About us

Hi, I’m Nikki! I’m a Mum with 2 kids and have been working online since 2007 (on and off) and live in Milton Keynes, but originally from North London.

I have tried my hand at many opportunities throughout my self-employment – some have been great, and some have not been so great! I also love the lifestyle self-employment gives me – it has saved me an abundance of money in childcare but most importantly, I’ve been fortunate to be able to be around for my kids, to watch them hit their milestones in life.

Self-employment can offer so many qualities in life, for example, the freedom to choose the hours you want to work and the freedom to take holidays as you please. It does have its crosses to bear, like not having a stable income, but when you have other strings within your self-employment, it can be sustainable.

Since experimenting with alternative therapies and essential oils after sustaining injuries at work, my family and I have adopted a more healthier way of life; we cannot imagine being without them now. I hope you find the articles I write about crystal healing, oils and learning to learn to love and be yourself in life informative. I’m a firm believer in the Law of Attraction, and it’s opened up so many doors for me that I couldn’t believe it when I saw the opening to my future in Spellbound it’s literally me in a box. You can take a look at the gorgeous products here and I think you will understand why I love the products so much its literally my hobby but it’s now become another income stream to my business.

Being self-employed also gave me the opportunity to have my own personal goals in life, so every year I set myself a target ie: a big holiday, a financial goal, or even a health one, to keep me focused on my journey.

Anyone can have the freedom to be self employed but its very important that you always do your homework on companies and their backgrounds, as I, like many, have been stung before in the past – but the process makes you tougher and stronger and gives you the will to keep going.

Feel free to message me via Facebook if you are venturing out of your comfort zone – and wishing to join an online opportunity if its for your health or a business opportunity and I will be happy to have a chat / message with you.

Much love, Nikki