• Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: A Journey to Self-Empowerment

    Limiting beliefs are like invisible chains that hold us back from reaching our full potential. They are the negative thoughts and perceptions we hold about ourselves and the world around us, often rooted in past experiences, societal norms, or fear of failure. These beliefs create barriers that hinder personal growth, success, and happiness. However, it…

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  • Navigating Tough Times: A Guide to Maintaining Mental Health with Oils and Crystals

    In life, we inevitably encounter tough times that challenge our mental health and well-being. Whether it’s personal struggles, career setbacks, or global crises, it’s essential to have coping mechanisms in place to navigate these difficult periods. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, incorporating the use of essential oils and crystals into your self-care routine can provide…

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  • The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Moving Forward with Crystals, Essential Oils, and Mantras

    As I navigate through the turbulent waters of a separation after 18 years, I’ve come to realise the profound importance of forgiveness in my journey toward healing and personal growth. The weight of resentment and bitterness can be suffocating, but through forgiveness, I’ve discovered a path to liberation and inner peace. In this blog post,…

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  • Navigating Heartache: My Journey to Heal My Dog’s Broken Heart with Crystals and Essential Oils

    As I sit here, reflecting on the upheaval that has rocked our lives, I can’t help but feel the weight of sadness that hangs heavy in the air. My family has been torn apart, and in the middle of  the chaos, there is a silent witness to our pain—our beloved dog. His wagging tail and…

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  • Embrace Your Best Self: Shifting Focus from Negatives to Positives

    In a world inundated with constant comparisons and pressures to measure up to unrealistic standards, it’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing on our flaws and shortcomings. However, the path to true fulfilment and personal growth lies in embracing our best selves and redirecting our attention towards the positives. Being the best version…

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  • Navigating Life’s Storms: A Personal Journey of Healing with Crystals

    In the middle  of life’s storms, finding inner peace and resilience can feel like an insurmountable challenge. As someone who has weathered their fair share of struggles, including mental health battles, anxieties, deafness, a relationship breakdown, and the daunting transition to single life after 18 years, I understand firsthand the toll these experiences can take…

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